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Optus Webmail – Step by Step Guide about Optus Webmail



Optus webmail is a web application used to check emails using the browser. There are many applications that are used to check the emails on the go. But these applications are needed to install with all the other apps. But the Optus webmail allows you to check, view, delete and store emails on the go without the use of any specific applications. Only the browser is enough to check your emails. No additional apps are required. Only Optus webmail is enough. You can access the mail anywhere in the world.

Browsers come as default with all the devices. It may be internet explorer, Mozilla Firefox or Opera can be used to load Optus Mail in them and view them. Before diving deep into the concept of Optus webmail we need to know what is Optus and who are they?

Optus Company:

Optus is one of the most famous telecommunication companies in Australia. It is located in the city of Macquarie Park which is located in New South Wales. According to LinkedIn, the company has an employee strength of 10,000 employees. Optus company is a specialist in telecom communications, mobile communications, internet service provider,s and many business networks that provide service to millions of customers in a single day.

Optus mobile network services to a customer base of 98 percent of all Australians. The main motto of the Optus company is to provide Australians with high tech mobile communications, broadband services, and entertainment videos. They are committed to delivering the latest tech at an affordable cost. This company offers both postpaid and pre-paid plans for Australians. These plans are highly affordable and cheap so that all Australians can afford the telecommunication services.

Not only the telecom services but the company Optus has also had its presence in the entertainment and the sports industry. They buy and telecast TV shows, game shows, and whatnot. Also, they have a channel Optus sports and they have the Optus music channel. You can hear your favorite music and music videos using that channel.

The company CEO said that the primary goal of the company is to develop the technology that exists and invest in the people of the country and try to develop sophisticated communications for fellow Australians. Optus is not a company that just sits and waits for the future tech to create itself. These Optus engineers are out in the field creating the tech for the future. The doors of the Optus company are always wide open for the talented people who are in the pursuit of creating a better world for themself and to the others around.

Optus is a place where like-minded trained people meet and exchange ideas. Optus workplace is one of the best in terms of diversity and knowledge. The office at Macquarie Park is one of the largest campuses in Australia. The office is present there from the year 2007. The office can accommodate around 7000 people and also a few hundreds of people go there to visit the campus as visitors every day.

Optus Mail:

Today the basics for everything on the internet is email. Not only for professional use but each and every website that you visit requires you to login with your email ID today. At least for that purpose, you need to have an email ID. Every unique user on any website required to have a unique ID number. It might be easy to generate a unique number for every user those login to the website but the visitor might not remember the random ID generated in each and every website. 

For that purpose, the usage of email IDs came into the existence. Email IDs are always unique for the people. No two people can have the same email ID address. That’s why it will be easy to manage the IDs of the people. Also, you can ask the user to verify their ID address just to make sure that they are using the authentic email ID that really belongs to them. 

There are multiple ways to create an email ID. If you have a domain and email server you yourself can create your own custom Email ID. But if you are going to create many email IDs for your employees or friends under your own domain name then I highly recommend you open a custom email server. 

If you are trying to create an email ID for a personal purpose or some office purpose then I recommend you to create it with some email providers such as Gmail, Yahoo, and Optus. Optus is an Australian company that provides email services to all the customers around the world.

Optus is just like Gmail but with some custom features that are simple to learn and use. If you create your email ID with the Optus then your email might look like [email protected] (This is just an example email ID) Also if you don’t have any email ID then I kindly suggest you create one. Because email ID is a must when you going to use Facebook, Twitter, and service that are related to them. 

The interface of the Optus Mail is so simple that it can be easily used by beginners. Normally any email provider will give you two ways to manage your emails. The first method is to have software for that purpose. The software must be compatible with the operating system that you are using. Most of the email providers will have compatible software for all the operating systems. 

You have to download the standalone software and login to the email ID there. Once you login to the email id the email client will download all the previous emails in the inbox. Also, you need to know that there are two types of email extraction formats available. They are IMAP and POP3. There are other protocols available but these two are the primary and the important ones.

IMAP – Internet Message Access Protocol

IMAP protocol stores the copy of the email in the inbox until the user deletes the email from the inbox. It doesn’t delete the email automatically from the mail server. When you log in to the email client that has IMAP enabled then the mails that are in the server are taken a copy and downloaded into the client’s machine. Only if you delete the email then the original email will be deleted in the main server. The incoming mail server for the IMAP is and the ports are 993 and 143 respectively.


  1. Access from multiple locations and access from multiple devices at the same time. Unlike POP3, this IMAP protocol won’t delete any emails from the box and they keep them until the user decides to delete the email. They download the emails to the local folder but also they don’t delete them emails.
  1. If you OPT to IMAP then it maintains a complete history of sent and received emails. You can also maintain the folder structure that you maintain with the email server.


  1. Constantly you will be running out of memory or space in the mailbox if you have a lot of emails flooding your inbox every day.

POP3 – Post office protocol 

The POP3 protocol is just like the IMAP but the difference is that when you log in to the email the emails are downloaded from the main server and then they are deleted from the main server. Only their copy is stored in the local server. Once they are downloaded the email is permanently deleted from the main server. The incoming mail server for POP3 is and the ports are 995 and 110 respectively.


  1. If you are a frequent user of emails then deleting and sorting the emails might take a little time and meanwhile, the mailbox storage might get overflowed. So this POP3 protocol can be used so that once you open the mailbox all the email gets directly stored in the local storage and the mails in the cloud storage get deleted.
  1. If you are using only one device to access all the emails then this POP3 method will definitely suit you the most. Also please be aware that once you login to an app on the device then the emails will be downloaded to the device and get deleted in all other devices.


  1. Unable to access the emails on multiple devices, because POP3 uses local storage.
  1. No folder types in POP3. If you have set up custom folder designs in the email server, you cannot access them in the POP3.
  1. Once you delete the local email or you lost the device with emails unread, they can’t be retrieved and are lost forever.

Also, the email clients have an android app that will help the clients to view and delete the emails. Apart from the offline clients, the main application that is used by the clients is webmail. It is the ability to check email from anywhere with just an internet connection and a browser.

Here let’s see what is Optus webmail and how it is used. Optus is a company that specializes in multiple businesses and they also have a hand in the webmail. They provide email addresses to all the clients. Here are the methods to login to Optus webmail.

In order to access the Optus webmail, firstly you need an account on the Optus webmail. If you already have the Optus webmail account then there is no need to create a new account. Else create a new account in the Optus webmail.

Also, you need to have offline software(browser) to be able to access the webmail. Webmail is the best way to access email across multiple devices and it has high compatibility. Either it can be a phone, tablet, or laptop you can access the webmail. Not only viewing but also creating, deleting, saving, receiving the emails right from there in your devices.

Log in to Optus webmail

After creating the account you have to do these steps to log in to the Optus webmail. Open the browser on your device. Either be its Chrome web browser, Mozilla web browser, Internet Explorer or the Opera, then in the address bar type in the address 

Optus webmail

There go to the login page and type in the email ID and the password that you used while creating the main account. Also, you can have some addresses that are secondary. The default number of secondary address that is available is up to 15 addresses. If you need more then you have to contact the support team for the additional addresses.

Spam filtering System:

One of the main features of this Optus webmail is the best spam filtering system that is deployed to protect the users from spam emails. But due to the strict email filtering system, even your email to other users may get tagged as spam and end up in the spam box. So you must be careful not to do any spam emails. 

But if you ever feel that your email accidentally should have ended up in the spam box then there are some ways in the webmail that you can use to detect whether your email got into the spam box. 

Below are the steps to determine whether your email ended up in the spam box.

  1. You need to draft an email to the support team requesting for the reason of rejection of your email or your email being ended up in the spam box.
  1. Attach the email of yours that ended up in the spam box with the mail. You will get your reply within few days.
  1. Also don’t forget to mention the purpose of the email that is sent. It will help to speed up the support process.

Support email for email spam check: [email protected]

Ways to use secure email with VPN:

To use the Optus webmail connection in a secure way we need to use the VPN. You might have sensitive emails in the inbox and you don’t want them to be leaked. So you need to take some precautionary measure to prevent the loss of data. That’s why we recommend you to use the VPN to prevent the data loss. VPN means virtual private network that has the ability to re-route your data packets in an encrypted way and hide the data packets from the data sniffer tools and the hackers. So if you need extra layer of protection to your email box then I recommend you to use VPN.

Default available mailbox storage:

The Optus webmail company provides each email ID with 500MB storage for all the emails and the attachments that come with them. You can use that 500MB for free. Also if you need to check how much of the storage is used then you can go to the settings tab and then to webmail settings option and click on quota. There you can find the used quota.

Importing and exporting contacts on the Optus Webmail:

You can import contacts into the webmail in the vCard format. Just import the contacts in the form of vCard file and place it in the computer or laptop where you use the webmail. After importing open up the Optus webmail and choose import. Then choose the vCard file from the computer and click okay. The contacts will be imported into the webmail. Also you can export the contacts in the vCard format.

Optus webmail for android or iOS:

Not only the Optus webmail has an app for the web but also has apps for mobile devices. It has an app for both android app and iOS. You can google for the links of both the apps. You can manage multiple email accounts of Optus directly from the app itself. It is very convenient if you are always roaming and traveling and you need to access the mail frequently.

Changing the Optus webmail password:

Let us see step by Step how to change the optus mail Password

  1. Open the 
  2. Login with your OptusNet email and password
  3. Click Settings
  4. Click Change Password
    Enter: Your current password & Your new password

If you have forgotten the Optus email password then there is an option to change it. Please read below to know the ways to change the password for Optus webmail.

  1. Try to guess the previous password for the Optus webmail.
  2. Click Here to Contact Optus mail Support
  3. They’ll send you a password reset. You’ll need to log in using the temporary password and create a new passwordNote: You’ll need to Login in desktop to change your password.

Optus Webmail Support:

If you are having any kind of trouble using the Optus mail like logging in problem or account problem, password reset problem then you can directly contact the support team for assistance. They will serve you 24×7. They have a high availability quality. If you don’t know where to contact and how to rectify the doubts then you can also comment below and we will help you to get it solved.


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